Positve Behavior Plan » Cheetah Standards

Cheetah Standards

Soto Street School

Student Behavior Standards


Be Safe

Be Responsible

Be Respectful


In Classrooms, Soto Street Students will:


SAFE:                       Keep hands, feet and objects to myself.

RESPONSIBLE:       Complete all assigned classwork.

RESPECTFUL:         Follow directions.



                        In Restrooms, Soto Street Students will:


SAFE:                        Wash my hands.         

RESPONSIBLE:       Go, Flush, Wash, Leave.

RESPECTFUL:         Respect the privacy of others.


During Lunch, Soto Street Students will:


SAFE:                       Walk to lunch line and walk to my table.          

RESPONSIBLE:       Pick up all my trash.

RESPECTFUL:         Keep my hands to myself.


During Recess, Soto Street Students will:


SAFE:                       Follow the rules of the game.    

RESPONSIBLE:       Line up quickly at the end of recess.

RESPECTFUL:         Allow everyone to play.